June 27
Yesterday I went for a walk with my friends Ardel and Wendy. We went to Wolf Hill and what do you think I saw, antother dog laying in the grass. He was really big and looked like he could use a bath, but he looked friendly to me. If they would have let me I would have gone over and said hi. Both Adel and Wendy said it was a coyote and went the other way. I’m sure I could have made him my friend.
July 6
Wow I haven’t had anything to say for a while. I guess I’ve just been too busy playing and sleeping and making Jim crazy.
Last week there was a test, yes a dreaded test, in human obedience school. Jim went to one end of the room and said, “Oden, come”, then the teacher let go of the leash and I was suppose to go to Jim. Well I’m telling you there were a lot of people and dogs to visit between the teacher and Jim so I visited them all. Jim kept saying come on Oden but I kept visiting. When I ran out of people to visit I went to Jim. Jim said I got 0 on the test, (an F would mean he got points), but I feel like I did the right thing, a dog can’t have too many friends. We practice and Jim keeps telling me it’s for my own good to come when he calls me. I guess I’ll try to do that.
Betty, Dulee’s human made me and Dulee some really great scarves. We have a yellow and blue one and a red one and a checkered one. I really like wearing them. Jim says jump Oden and you’ll be a waving flag. What ever that is.
Yesterday Jim took me on a long car ride, 99 miles, in the truck. I lost my stomach contents some where near the start and then I was ok the rest of the way and on the way back. I learned to just lay down and rest. I may have this sick thing beat. I’m really happy and so is Jim.
July 9
There are a bunch of tents going up around here. Jim says a really big race is coming up. It’s called Moto GP. I’m excited, I don’t know why I’m excited other than it is an opportunity to get more scratches and pets. More people more hands. Jim says I’ll have to guard the place. No problem, I’m the best guard ever. What the heck does guard mean? I’ll do it as soon as I figure out what it is.
Jim got a new chair the other day and it is really comfortable. I sit in it when ever I can. Jim has to make me move so he can sit down so I just jump up on his lap.
July 13
And it’s Friday. Jim told me to put that in here, I don’t know why but I always do what Jim asks me. (paws, eyes and ears crossed)
Jim is always asking me what’s up, Oden. I have and answer to that, everything. When your my height everything is up except the ground and the food bowl. JI don’t know why he has to know what’s up, his ankles are up.
I went to another human obedience class last night. Another TEST and I was first again. Sandy, the instructor held my leash and Jim went the other end of the room and called me. When Sandy dropped the leash I’m supposed to run to Jim. In whose world is that going to happen? I sniffed a little, visited some friends and then ran to Jim. He said at least this time a got some points. We did it again but this time I had to go visit longer. Jim came to me, and I didn’t even have to call him, with a treat in his hand and then I followed him back to where he started. It was great fun.
We then learned to wait. That is not the same as stay it is just a quick thing so Jim can get out the door or put on a leash. I excelled on that one. Perfect every time.
One slight not so good thing happened, I got sick in the truck. I’m trying, I really am. (Above is the dreaded truck)

Outside the trailer is a mess. Jim says were getting a deck but I have to step over all kinds of stuff just to go do my business. I’ll be glad to have that project done.
Jim says next weekend we are going to Lassen National Park. Yeaaaaaa! A park.
He says we are going to plant some trees for Jim’s Dad and Mom. That will be nice to have something to honor them. There can’t be any permeant signs but temporary ones are ok. I hope I get to help dig.
This is my friend Enzo. I mentioned him in an earlier post. When Jim is at the gate he comes to visit. He is the same age as I am but a little bigger
Hey, Oden, good job writing your blog! I see you are doing some training with Jim - he has learned to take photographs - good job!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your school - let's hope they can get Jim trained!