Thursday April 26, 2012
We got up early for reasons only known to Jim. I should say he got up and I stayed curled up between the pillows. Eventually I got up and we went out for the morning walk. Holy be-gebbers, there’s something falling on my head. Jim said we had to hurry because it’s raining out. OK, if that stuff falling is rain, I don’t like it. I kept having to shake myself off. It was kina fun when I found the brown mushy stuff. It’s fun to walk in. I think it’s mud because Jim kept saying “Oden, get out of the mud”
The rest of the day was spent shredding a magazine while Jim was gone. That was more fun than anything. When Jim came in all he said was a thousand pieces, while he was shaking his head. I guess I did well.
Friday April 27, 2012
It’s now 730 pm and I’m telling you, what a day, what a day, what a day. I had more new stuff happen than anything I can remember. Loud cars, lots of people, outside all day, stuff to roll in, a really long walk, my nose down a hole. More hands petting me than I can remember. Details below. I think tomorrow because I’m really tired.
We got up at 0 dark thirty, again I need to clarify, Jim got up and I staid in bed until I felt like it and then we went out for our morning walk. There were houses everywhere. I looked down and they were covering every inch of space below us, as far as my eyes could see. (note I’m about 6” off the ground so I don’t see really far).
Jim got ready and we went to the paddock gate. I staid in the truck and Jim got out and was talking to a lot of people. He finally go me out of the car and put up a chair for my shade he said and attached me to a cooler. ( I only know those words because that’s what he called them.) Cars kept coming by and I heard my name a bunch. Then all of a sudden the world got really loud. I looked out on the race track and there were a bunch of cars going by. Oh well I decided I just laid down.
It seemed all day some one came by, said my name and scratched my head and said what a cute dog I was. I really liked everyone petting me. It started wearing me out so I laid down to rest as often as possible.
About some time during the day Ardelle, my friend, came by and asked Jim if I could go on a walk with her and Windy, my friend. (those aren’t my only friends around, every one is. One of these days I’ll tell you about all of them. I even have one person, Jean who said she would be my nanny. So now I have a nanny and a lot of dog setters.) What the heck was I talking about? Oh yea the walk. We started off up a hill and I was as excited and one dog can get. Well we walked and walked and walked and walked and I finally had to try to convince one of them the pick me up and I worked Ardelle broke first and I got carried for a while. Then back down and more walking, I was have fun, run, walk, bounce, run, walk, bounce. Soon we were back were Jim was. I said good by, drank a bunch of water and laid down in the shade. Whoo eee, I was tired. After a nap ay was woke up by some one calling my name and wanting to pet me some more. How can a day get any better, HOW?

I was out where Jim was and I found this really stinky stuff. It smelled great, no really great. I knew this would be a perfect cover for when I go hunting. No one would ever suspect Oden was stalking them because I would smell like s@#$. Just when I started to roll in it I heard No Oden. Again being a good dog I stopped. Again I’ll find something like that and I will get to roll in it.
More of the same people stopped to pet me, talk to me and ignore Jim. I’m sure one person came up and said to Jim, hi chopped liver where’s Oden. I heard people saying all day where’s Oden, I was tired but had a great time Saturday and Sunday at the track.
I almost got to roll in that stuff again.
You're training Jim good Oden.
ReplyDeleteOden - you are very photogenic!