July 30
Wow, holy be geberz, whoooooo hoooooo What a time it’s been since I wrote something. I’ve had great times, and not so great times in the last 12 days.
On Saturday the 21st Jim and I headed for Redding and Lassen Park. I’ve never been to those places but they must be good because Jim is taking me. I had a pretty good trip to Redding, Janes house. I only lost food once. We stopped at Sonic in Gilroy for some dinner, oh wait I should say Jim stopped, I’m still waiting for just a little bite but no not even a nibble. I’m thinking next time Jim wants to share a bone I find, it’s not going to happen.

Last week another motor home moved in next to us which made me bark a lot until I finally figured out it was the same people and they were ok. Then there was this big fence that someone put up with green materal on it. I could’t see past it but I guess that was ok. Jim said he liked it. At this point everything is just going along. Jim and I were having a normal life.
Last Wednesday it started. Sandy, who has been here before showed up with her daughter Elaina. That was good because they both like me and gave me plenty of hugs and scratches. Of course they are my friends. Then over by my best friend Dulee’s house someone named Mindy parks her motorhome with her dogs Blondie and Nickie So I had to meet them. Nickie is about the same age as me so we played whenever the humans would let us. She was a little bigger than be but I’m a terrier so I held my own. Then someone named Kevin also moved in by Dulee’s house. This place is getting packed. Two by Dulee and two by me. Thursday
It’s getting busy and noisy around here. There are people everywhere and motorcycles everywhere. Jim seems pretty busy doing a lot of nothing. I decided not to bar at everyone that goes by because I might wear out my barker. I don’t know how many barks I have in me so I’m saving some for later in life. What am I saving them for I don’t even know what later in life is.
Friday was a good day and a really bad day for me, Oden. The good part motorcycles were all over the track and they were really loud, but it didn’t bother me. Jim came be and walked me a few times so mostly I slept.
Jim kept talking about a BBQ, every one knows what that is, right. I’ll remind you. It’s something humans do to cook meat and not give the dog any. After a while Sandy came by and there was a lot going on then they all left for the bbq. Here I was by my self while they feasted on beef, I got dog food. I should say it is very good dog food, but dog food. Every one came back after about 400 hours (2 hours) and there were more people. Diego, Beth, Devin, and Christian Wood. They were nice and as it turns out they gave me a lot of walks during the weekend. Well everyone left except Sandy and Elaine. They all talked for while and then everyone went to their beds.
This is where Friday turns to the worst Friday ever. Jim and I went to bed and when Jim put his head down I heard a loud squealing noise. Jim said he forgot to take his hearing aids out. He took them out and put them on the stand next to the bed. I had two questions, what are hearing aids and are they eatable? As it turns out they are what Jim uses to hear me bark and yes, I reached over and grabbed them. One I got down and the other Jim took out of my mouth minus a few pieces. Jim looked like he had just lost his best friend, that by the way would be me. He just looked at me and said no, turned off the light and went to sleep. Of all the things I’ve done, none really bad of course, I wish I could have resisted the late night snack. Water under the bridge. I know what water is.
Moto Gp came and went. I got to sit out on the deck with lots of people and watch the race. It was great fun but a little noisy. People would get excited and unexcited. Then it was over and everyone left.
I went to the vet the other day and had my fur washed, nails cut and other stuff. They are always so nice there I don’t even mind going. I do get a little nervous when Jim leaves me but he always comes back and gets me when they are done making me handsome. Car ride almost ok?
Last Saturday I went to the sound booth and found my friend Eli there. I haven’t seen him in a long time. I like Eli, he is one of the few dogs that is not as big as me. He is younger than me but I don’t think he’ll get much bigger. We played for and hour straight, it was really a lot of fun. I’m going to have to play with him more often.
August 9
Jim and I have been going over to Dulees to feed Inky. Inky is a cat that lives at and around Dulee’s place. I’ve seen him before but could never get too close. He’s a a bit of a nervous animal. Since we’ve been feeding him I go over every morning and evening and we say hi, touch noses and and hang out a bit. He is really a nice cat. I should tell you they only reason I know he is a cat is because Jim told me. I thought he was just a funny looking dog.
There are another animals running around here that I can’t chatch to say hi. Jim says they are squirrels. There funny looking little things and aren't very friendly.
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